- if we wait for the governments, it’ll be too little, too late
- if we act as individuals, it’ll be too little
- but if we act as communities, it might just be enough, just in time!
Sustaining Community
Welcome to “Organic Culture”
Welcome in part of Organic Farm “Živé hospodárstvo”
Zaježová – Tŕstie, Central Slovakia, Central Europe, Planet Earth,
Solar System, Milky Way Galaxy
- Growing of old and non-traditional fruit varieties (pestovanie starých a netradičných odrôd ovocia)
- Curative contact with animals, taking photos with animals
- Stays on organic farm
- Deep imagination
- Tai chi chuan
- Breeding of Jersey breed of cattle
- Breeding of Moher’s breed of goats
- Breeding of freshwater salmon (hucho hucho)

- Community Building laboratory – point of understanding community phenomenon, stages of community building process
and psychological sense of community
site of zaježka ecoinitiatives
our old site in Slovak language